PC is extremely durable and resistant to high temperatures and impacts, making it perfect for engineering uses. However, its high moisture absorption rate impacts both printing and product strength.
Basic Information:
Heat Resistance
Impact Strength
Outdoor UseFunctional PartsLoad - Bearing PartsAutomotive PartsStructural Parts
√ Water resistant√ Heat resistant√ Oil & grease resistant√ UV resistant√ Dimensional stability
× Easy to warp× Drying out before use
Colors: Transparent (60103)

How to Optimize Your Printing

Based on the properties of PC, it’s strongly recommended to consider the following tips to realize best performance:

1. Enclosure

An enclosed chamber helps maintain a consistent temperature around your print, reducing warping and improving print quality.

2. Dry Your Filament

Due to high moisture absorption rate of PC, it's strongly recommended to dry it to prevent poor layer adhesion and brittleness.
Drying Condition:
Blast Drying Oven: 80 °C, 8h
X1 Series Heatbed: 90 - 100 °C, 12h

3. Use Brim

Adding a brim can significantly reduce warping by increasing the adhesion surface area.

4. Seal with desiccant to prevent moisture and achieve ideal printing results.

5. Other Settings

Build Plate & Bed Temperature: Smooth PEI Plate (90-100 °C); Textured PEI Plate (90-100 °C)
Printing Speed: < 300 mm/s
Nozzle Temperature: 260 - 290 ℃
Part Cooling Fan: 0 - 60%
Annealing: 85 - 100 ℃, 6 - 12 hours